

On May 25th, the third “Fangyuan Group Happy Football Carnival” special event was held happily at the Wanlinghui Shopping Center in Guangzhou. This carnival is hosted by Guangdong Football Association and hosted by Guangzhou Magellan Children’s Sports Technology Co., Ltd., with strong support from Fangyuan Group.


In recent years, preschool football work has become an important field of football reform in China, and it is also the foundation for achieving high-quality development in football popularization and talent cultivation. The Happy Football Carnival, as a large-scale public welfare event to promote football for 3-6 year old children in Guangdong Province, is supported by the Guangdong Football Association and adheres to the principle of “football starts from a child”. It deeply cultivates hundreds of kindergartens in the province, goes deep into communities, supermarkets, parks and other public places, hoping to provide more children with the opportunity to experience the charm of happy football on the green field, and strives to open up a new situation for the football cause of Chinese children.


The Happy Football Carnival of Fangyuan Group, created by the professional preschool football education institution Magellan, has been successfully held twice since its launch in 2016, with over 300 events held, winning a huge social response. The scope of the third carnival of this year will be expanded to over 15 cities in the province, with a total of over 100 events and an expected audience of over millions. This football carnival will bring a richer experience, allowing more families to understand and love football, and to experience the meaning of “happy football” firsthand.



At the special event held at Wanlinghui, young children and parents also participated in multiple fun parent-child football game projects, including pole shooting, table football matches, cross levels, and sensory games. Different families directly competed, “Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Each Showing Their Skills”, pushing the entire atmosphere of the event to its peak. The “Children’s Football Trio” customized by Magellan has become the focus of the entire venue, attracting a large number of citizens to stop by the active and cute figures of the football players.


方圆集团是东方文化地产的践行者和现代东方人居生活全产业链运营服务的集成者,为客户提供全生命周期的高质量服务,截至2019年已连续13年跻身“中国房地产百强企业”,并荣获中国民营企业 500强以及广东省百强民营企业称号。方圆集团已连续三年携手麦哲伦公司开展足球嘉年华活动。第三届足球嘉年华已如火如荼,未来会根据不同的重点节庆日设置不同的主题,让幼儿足球兴趣和文化传承相融合,令幼儿、家庭、社区共同营造欢乐的足球氛围。


Fangyuan Group is a practitioner of Oriental Culture Real Estate and an integrator of modern Oriental living and lifestyle industry chain operation services, providing customers with high-quality services throughout their entire life cycle. As of 2019, it has been listed as one of the “Top 100 Real Estate Enterprises in China” for 13 consecutive years and has been awarded the titles of Top 500 Private Enterprises in China and Top 100 Private Enterprises in Guangdong Province. Fangyuan Group has been collaborating with Magellan Company for three consecutive years to carry out football carnival activities. The third football carnival is in full swing, and in the future, different themes will be set according to different key festivals, integrating children’s football interests and cultural inheritance, and creating a joyful football atmosphere together with children, families, and communities.




At the same time, the 2019 “Second Guangdong Province Preschool Football League” hosted by the Guangdong Provincial Football Association is currently being held in an orderly manner in various cities throughout the province. The final of this league will be held in Guangzhou at the end of June. The Guangdong Provincial Football Association will unite with a wide range of social forces, hoping to become a benchmark province in the field of “preschool football”.